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  • Before making his final speech to Dail Eireann, Ireland's parliament, the 51-year-old Cowen had already announced his retirement from politics after a 26-year career.

    Ireland Faces Feb. 25 Election Date By SHAWN POGATCHNIK 2011

  • Cowen has a two-vote majority in Dail Eireann, the parliament, including support from two maverick independent lawmakers.

    Debt-hit Ireland Faces Toughest Budget Cuts In History AP 2010

  • Cowen has a two-vote majority in Dail Eireann, the parliament, including support from two maverick independent lawmakers.

    Debt-hit Ireland Faces Toughest Budget Cuts In History AP 2010

  • Aside of that - I'd love to have been a witness to Lincoln's Gettysburg address or attended the first day of Dail Eireann.

    The Zelig Prize 2009

  • Of course, the Irish President has no political clout and even though it has been nearly two decades since a male held that office it should not be allowed to cloud the fact that of the 166 seats in Dail Eireann only a paltry 22 are held by those of the fairer sex.

    Archive 2008-09-01 Johnny Guitar 2008

  • If offered a straight choice between spending my day observing events in Dail Eireann or else studying the drying process of a layer of paint I would be extremely tempted to plump for the latter.

    Lisbon: the fallout continues Johnny Guitar 2008

  • They should acknowledge, however, that Dail Eireann is a sovereign parliament while the Northern Ireland Assembly is a regional assembly under a sovereign parliament.

    Archive 2008-02-01 Dylan Jones-Evans 2008

  • The Republic has a population of 4,234,925 and elects 166 members to Dail Eireann.

    Archive 2008-02-01 Dylan Jones-Evans 2008

  • If the Republic had parity of representation with Northern Ireland there would be 271 members of Dail Eireann.

    Archive 2008-02-01 Dylan Jones-Evans 2008

  • He stayed put following the split which created Republican Sinn Fein and the Continuity IRA in 1986 when the movement voted to recognise Dail Eireann and the institutions of the southern state.

    The Mullah of county Tyrone Johnny Guitar 2007


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